The 28th state of the Indian Union was brought into existence by the Bihar reorganization Act on November 15,2000- the birth anniversary of the legendary Bhagwan Birsa Munda. Jharkhand is famous for its rich mineral resources like Uranium, Mica, Bauxite, Granite, Gold, Silver, Graphite, Magnetite, Dolomite, Fireclay, Quartz, Fieldspar, Coal (32% of India), Iron, Copper (25%of India) etc. Forests and woodlands occupy more than 29% of the state which is amongst the highest in India.
Population | 2,69,09,428 |
Male Population | 1,38,61,277 |
Female Population | 1,30,48,151 |
Per Capita Income | Rs. 4161.00 |
Density of Population | 338 persons / Sq. KM |
No. of Districts | 24 |
No. of Sub divisions | 35 |
No. of Blocks | 212 |
No. of Villages | 32620 |
No. of Villages Electrified | 14667 (45 % of total) |
No. of Villages connected by roads | 8484 |
National Highways | 1006 KMs |
State Highways | 4662 KMs |
Health Centers | 506 |
Schools | 21386 |
Universities | 5 Incl. One Deemed University |
Total Geographical Area | 79.70 Lakh Hect |
Cultivable Land | 38.00 Lakh Hect |
Net Sown Area | 18.04 Lakh Hect (25% of total area) |
Net Irrigated Area | 01.57 Lakh Hect (8% of net shown area) |
Forest | 29% of total area |
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